Taboo Subject

The non-subject—study hall

Let us begin at the end. Near closing of the latest Board of Education meeting, held on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, the TTA (Tuxedo Teacher Association, aka Teachers Union) President and Vice President, as well as members of teaching staff came forward to shower accolades on Mr. White and the new administration, especially thanking Mr. White for recruiting the accomplished Mrs.Terlechy and Mr. Reese.

Much credit should be given to the Superintendent Search Committee, the previous Board of Education, and the past President of the BOE, Ms. Ziegelbauer, and past Vice President, Ms. Vaught, for the guidance and support with the selection of a strong Superintendent. Mr. White has shown his strength and wisdom with the new hire of Mrs. Terlechy and Mr. Reese. The foundation seems rock solid and the district can work in unison to meet goals being set.

The end brings us to the beginning. Mr. White and Mr. Reese have begun working on the hard tasks ahead concerning the high school and student schedules. It has long been a great complaint that the students have too many study halls. People argue that the student is not being educated to their full potential with such limited class exposure. Others are angry at the cost per student and can not understand why they are sitting in study halls when they should be in a class learning or in an elective, and some wonder how tuitioning-out students pay less and get more compared to the Tuxedo district. It has also been said that the parents in this district don’t want the juniors or seniors to be over burdened and should have the study halls since they meet all requirements to graduate. It is with Mr. Whites expertise that he has found a Scheduling Specialist, consultant Dr. Steve Kussin.

Here is a breakdown of 5 student schedules to give you an idea of what is happening. This breakdown includes 3 seniors, 1 junior, and 1 sophomore.
The students attend school approximately 33.33 hours a week.
Core academic studies: Science, Math, History, English
Enrichment: Some say this is a glorified study hall
Resource Room: Teacher helps student with studies

Student A:
16 hours; Study Hall, Enrichment, Resource Room, Lunch
4.75 hours; Gym, Electives
13 hours; Core academic studies

Student B:
13.68 hours; Study Hall, Enrichment, Lunch
5.55 hours; Gym, Electives
14.25 hours; Core academic studies

Student C:
10.81 hours: Study Hall, Enrichment, Lunch
8.26 hours; Gym, Electives
14.25 hours; Core academic studies

Student D:
15.58 hours; Study Hall, Enrichment, Lunch
3.5 hours; Gym, Electives
14.25 hours; Core academics

Student E:
3.68 hours; Enrichment, Lunch
7.3 hours; Gym, Electives
22.16 hours; Core academics

Student E should be the basic standard set for the future. With these examples you can now see the issues parents are having. Their students are spending more time in “free time” than anything else.

Dr. Kussin presented to the board his visions, clarified his expertise, and made it loud and clear that he does NOT believe in study halls in any form. Dr. Kussin has assured the board that he foresees filling these blank period times with learning or greater enhancements, all in order to help our student accel and achieve higher. This is within keeping of Mr. White’s path to the “Top 100” school. It would be that Dr. Kussin is another strong rock added to the foundation.

Hopefully Mr. Reeses contract will be extended until the end of the school year, but with all he has brought to the table thus far, and all the support he is gaining with the TTA, administration, faculty, and students, it should be considered to hire him for 3 or more years.

Making it to the Top 100 is not going to be a walk in the park, the advantage and disadvantage is that this is a small district. Strategically using the advantage points and nullifying the disadvantage points is key. It also needs solid support. The union and administrators seem to finally be on the same road and working together and the district will only become stronger with the added support of the community.

Video recording of 11/17/2021 meeting:

Voice recording of 11/17/2021 meeting: